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Optimist Daily Weekly Roundup

Jul 26, 2024

This week's solution news:

Is work stressing you out big time? Arielle walks us through five science-based strategies to recover from work stress. Then, Karissa shares some exciting renewable energy news: San Francisco just launched Sea Change, the world's first commercial passenger ferry.

Episode transcript:

Jul 19, 2024

This week's out-of-this-world news:

Election anxiety levels have skyrocketed in recent times! Karissa walks us through how to recognize election anxiety triggers so we can manage them well. Then, Arielle takes us away from the stress of this planet and onto the moon. She shares a spacey solution about Lego-inspired...

Jul 12, 2024

This week's solution news:

Arielle starts off the solutions round-up with a fascinating discovery about Florida carpenter ants: they are the first and only known case in the animal kingdom where one individual systematically amputates another's limb. Then, Karissa talks about the mental health solution that warmed her...

Jul 5, 2024

This week's good news:

Karissa and Arielle both talk about the power of sound in their chosen solutions this week. Karissa explains the wonderful effects of sound baths, an ancient practice experiencing a modern reprisal. Then, Arielle goes into the science behind "Dad Dancing," and why we shouldn't let embarrassment...