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Optimist Daily Weekly Roundup

Jun 17, 2022

Today we are both happy and sad to share that this will be the season finale and the start of an indefinite hiatus of the show. 

It has been a privilege to bring you solutions news every day. We have a vast library of daily updates and special guest interviews to keep you inspired, so please keep coming back to...

Jun 16, 2022

Today we're welcoming guest Paul Relis to the show! Paul is a pioneer of environmental solutions after being called to action from the 1969 Santa Barbara Oil Spill - a transformative event in US history that launched many environmental protection programs, and Paul's career. With his leadership in forming the...

Jun 15, 2022

Today's innovative design news: Arielle and Kristy dive into the design world with two inspiring stories. They begin by talking about hydrofoils and how they can be used to electrify ferries and ships, one of the only modes of transport that is yet to be successfully decarbonized. Then, they discuss a...

Jun 14, 2022

Today's out-of-this-world news: Arielle and Kristy journey into space with today's solutions. First, Arielle talks about NASA's newly assembled team committed to investigating UFOs. Then, Kristy discusses how kombucha, the talented tea, is helping us better understand extraterrestrial life.

Listen to The Optimist Daily...

Jun 13, 2022

Today's wildly positive news: Summers highlights how Australian whale watchers are being treated to an earlier-than-usual whale watching season thanks to successful conservation! Then, Kristy talks about a new study that details how animal adaptations could inform better women’s health.

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