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Optimist Daily Weekly Roundup

Jun 30, 2020

The Optimist Daily Update with Summers McKay & Kristy Jansen - Your weekday update from The Optimist Daily featuring discussions of our top positive news solutions from independent, reader-funded, journalists. Today we discuss an empowering newspaper coming out of San Quentin Prison and in a timely story before our...

Jun 29, 2020

The Optimist Daily Update with Summers McKay & Kristy Jansen - Your weekday update from The Optimist Daily featuring discussions of our top positive news solutions from independent, reader-funded, journalists. Today's pod has avocado memes, a company creating fossil fuel free fertilizer, and the good kind of trolls....

Jun 26, 2020

The Optimist Daily Update with Summers McKay & Kristy Jansen - Your weekday commute update from The Optimist Daily featuring discussions of our top positive news solutions from independent, reader-funded, journalists. Today's Update covers how our fight or flight instinct impacts our response to stressful situations...

Jun 25, 2020

The Optimist Daily Update with Summers McKay & Kristy Jansen - Your weekday commute update from The Optimist Daily featuring discussions of our top positive news solutions from independent, reader-funded, journalists. Today's Update covers why we should all breathe through our noses more and a sneak peak of this...

Jun 24, 2020

The Optimist Daily Update with Summers McKay & Kristy Jansen - Your weekday commute update from The Optimist Daily featuring discussions of our top positive news solutions from independent, reader-funded, journalists. Today we tackle how facing the collapse of life as we know it gives us the opportunity to create a new...